- The Good Governance Project: Project Against Corruption in Ukraine |
2009 - the project financed by the Council of Europe “Support of good governance: Project against corruption in Ukraine (UPAC)” Project results: A 5 day training session was conducted for representatives of the investigatory powers and public prosecutor's office on detection and investigation of corruption and money laundering related offences. |
The project against money laundering and funding of terrorism in Ukraine MOLI-UA-2 |
2008-2009 - project financed by the Council of Europe “The project against money laundering and funding of terrorism in Ukraine MOLI-UA-2”
MOLI-UA-2 Project on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Ukraine |
The project is funded by the Council of Europe "MOLI-UA-2 Project on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Ukraine"
Facilitating the development of Ukrainian-Polish border cooperation in the conditions of integration of the Republic of Poland into the European Union |
Project funded by the Carpathian Foundation "Facilitating the development of Ukrainian-Polish border cooperation in the conditions of integration of the Republic of Poland into the European Union"
Microcrediting for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. Realities and Prospects |
 Project supported by the United States Agency for International Development "Microcrediting for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. Realities and Prospects "(2002)
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